Monday, May 28, 2012

Gold Coast. Can't wait!!

Ok I can no longer contain this. I am going to the Gold Coast!! Yahoo0oo!! Hehehe!! This will be my first time to the Gold Coast and believe it or not, my first time to Australia!

What motivates me is of course not the money that I have spent and will be spending for this trip. Duhh! But the fact that I got the tix for 4 at 2k sing dollars! Yeap. 2k sing only! You know how stingy I can be. Well, I wouldn't splurge on anything huge like this unless I know I'm getting it at a very good deal. The tix I bought is at a really awesome deal. Half the normal priced return trip to Gold Coast! What more can I ask?

So thanks to Scoot, my kids' dream came true! So does mine and my husband's. Hehe. We are all super excited!! Never mind the BIG hole. We MUST enjoy this trip!! 18 days to go!! Yippeeee!!

Alhamdulillah :)

New Chapter

And so the chapter begins. I started my first session at Kaplan for UCD MSc Mgt on Saturday. It was a good start. Awesome induction session by Mr. Frankie Yee and great coursemates! Well, been so long since I study; kinda rusty up here. Nevertheless, with much self-determination and support from lecturers, coursemates, family and friends, I know I will get there. I WILL GET THERE!

The best part is: we have a pre-assignment to be done and deadline is on the first day of the first module, Project Management! 6th July 2012 that is. Not really friendly lah. Lol. Anyway, 18 months and counting down!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Sunday with the girls

I dropped Insyirah off at Hoods Inc Productions morning today at 10.30 for her first TV shooting!! :D Then I brought Omera to Vivocity for food and play. We thought of watching a movie but I found nothing suitable for her. So we went for a stroll at Sentosa Boardwalk after food at BK and browsing at ToysRus. Omera got tired after much walking and running around. So we went back to the car so she could take a nap. I needed to charge my iPhone as well as it had totally gone flat after lotsa snapping! Then I got a call from Hoods informing I could fetch her at 4.15 instead of 5 as they're ahead of their schedule. Happy. Can't wait to hear from my darling!

So we laughed a lot. She was yaking away about Gurmit Singh and Shaik Haikel and her experience at the studio. It sounded so much fun! Indeed she did have fun. Can't wait for her episode which would be aired on Okto late August.

Great start. Awesomeness :)

Saturday, May 5, 2012

She's innnnnnnnnn!!

Insyirah will be shooting for Knockout All stars tomorrow! Yahoo!!! All the best my girl. You are one awesome babe! xxx

Friday, May 4, 2012

Another obsession!!

Dunno why, I feel like buying a new bike! Lol. I was at first thinking of a fixie. It's trending now. I found something I like from Scootz, a nice, cheap, simple pink fixie. I would fix a rattan basket on its front to make it look a little more girlish and English. Haha. Somehow, I landed on this pic. A sweet little vintage-looking pink beach cruiser! Notice the rattan basket and the matching handle and seat colour. And the white tyres. And the bell! Kring kring!! Lol. So retro. I want!!

Picture courtesy of Beg Bicycles.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Du'a, the weapon of the believer

Most of the time, when we badly want something or some misfortunes befall us, we would turn to Allah, desperately asking Him for what we want or to make good the situation we were in. However, we often neglect the etiquette and the pre conditions of du'a that are needed in order for our du'a to be accepted. We often overlook our mistakes in making our du'a to The Almighty. The timings and situations in which du'a would likely be accepted are also discussed in this book.

Personally, I had issues with understanding the relationship between du'a and the Divine Decree. I would question, if the pens have dried and everything has been written by Allah, then how would du'a help to change it? Life goes on, right?

Alhamdulillah, I'm glad I found this book. Allah is The All-Hearer and The Most Merciful. This book is written in a comprehensive manner but easy to understand. It's also highly informative and a must-have for every household. This book has made it to my favourites shelf; very close to my heart.

Indeed "Nothing repels Divine Decree except du'a". SubhanAllah.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Learning the language of the Qur'an

I've been very much slacking in Qur'an reading; been reading at least a page a day since I'm back from Umrah, without really understanding what I read word for word. Astaghfirullah. How ignorant!

I remembered struggling to understand the verses recited by the Imam during one of our salahs in al-Haram, Makkah. What touched me is that he wept while reciting the verses. What was it that made him weep? What was he reciting? What did it mean? Sadly, I didn't understand the meaning of a single verse he recited apart from al-Fatihah. I was praying, my body bowed down but not my heart.

That experience made me realise I must learn the language of the miracle Qur'an.

I've got three wonderful books for a start, coupled with the knowledge I have gained from Ustaz Zulkiflee. May Allah bless him. I've renamed these books by it's colour. The blue book, the white book and the black book.

I got the blue book from Madinah so I've had it with me since and have been my bedside book. I bought the white one from Salaam Media a month ago but I've barely started. I got the black one yesterday also from Salaam Media and this motivates me even more (my husband said I 'pajak' that bookstore liao due to my frequent visits and purchases, lol). So, don't be surprised, the next time I update my blog, I would write in Arabic! Hehehe.

Alhamdulillah. I thank Allah for all the blessings He has given me.

The next time I'm in Makkah, when I bow, my heart and my soul will follow. InsyaAllah.

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